Saturday, August 9, 2008

Off-Season Training: Week of August 10 for Women

Women: Our last week of summer training. Ladies should be at 50 miles or more for the week ending Saturday and then run easy for a few days before practice starts August 20. Go shorter on Friday and longer Saturday and take advantage of the relatively cool weather to make this your best mileage week of the summer.

Sunday(8/10) Long run of 11-13 miles

Monday 7-8 miles w/ strength training

Tuesday 7 miles w/ hill repeats

Wednesday 7-8 miles w/ strength training

Thursday 6 miles w/ last two miles 1-2 minutes per mile faster

Friday 4-5 miles

Saturday 9-11 miles

Sunday Easy

Monday Easy

Tuesday Easy

Wednesday(8/20) 7 am Practice @ Fitness Center

Coach Van Arkel

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