Monday, August 6, 2012

XC Training/Practices

Two more weeks of training before practice starts. We are still base training (most mileage at conversational pace) but definitely also want to be doing hill repeats (one set of 6-8 150m-200m hill repeats run moderately hard on a gradual hill with exaggerated knee lift and arm swing) and core strength work (2-3 weekly sets of pushups, crunches, planks)to supplement our mileage. Once school starts we'll try to set a practice schedule around classes as much as possible. Try to avoid 8 am classes if there is another section of the class that meets at a different time.

XC Training Schedule Aug. 5 - Aug. 23:

Aug. 5(Sun) Long run of 10-14 miles(> 75 minutes)

Aug. 6(Mon) 7-9 miles w/ strength training

Aug. 7(Tues) 8-11 miles

Aug. 8(Wed) 7-9 miles w/ hill repeats

Aug. 9(Thur) 8-11 miles w/ strength training

Aug 10(Fri) 7-9 miles

Aug. 11(Sat) 5-7 miles or swim/bike

Aug. 12 (Sun) Long Run(>75 minutes)

Aug. 13(Mon) 7-9 miles w/ strength training

Aug. 14(Tues) 8-11 miles

Aug. 15(Wed) 7-9 miles w/ hill repeats

Aug. 16(Thur) 6-8 miles w/ strength training

Aug. 17(Fri) Freshmen move into Dorms / 6-8 miles

Aug. 18(Sat) Move into College Park / 5-7 miles or swim/bike

Aug. 19(Sun) Long Run(>80 minutes)

Aug. 20(Mon) 7:30 am Fitness Center/Medical Forms
2 pm Athletics Dept Meeting @ O'Reilly Center
5:30 pm Team Meeting/Physicals @ Fitness Center

Aug. 21(Tues) 6:30 am First Practice 6-8 miles @ Fitness Center
4:30 pm 3-4 miles w/Strength Training @ Fitness Center

Aug. 22(Wed) 6:30 am 8-10 miles @ Fitness Center

Coach Van Arkel

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