Saturday, June 21, 2008

Off-Season Training: Weeks of June 22 & 29

We are eight weeks away from the start of practice and ready to get serious about summer running. Our number one priority is of course staying healthy, but the number two priority is building our aerobic base while adding strength work. Weekly mileage should be at least 45-55 miles with one long run(> 70 minutes) each week. These volumes apply to men and women. For the next two weeks pace can be relatively easy(conversational) on all runs.

One time during the week please add a set of hill repeats consisting of 6-8 uphills(150-200m) run moderately hard. Try to do the hills on the grass, if possible, and recover somewhat between each repeat. Core strength work should be done at least twice each week with 3 sets of pushups, crunches, dips and curls with dumbbells.

Sunday(6/22 & 6/29) Long run of 9-12 miles

Monday 5-6 miles w/ strength training

Tuesday 6-8 miles

Wednesday 6 miles w/ hill repeats

Thursday 5-6 miles w/ strength training

Friday 7-10 miles

Saturday 4-6 miles or swim/bike

In two weeks we will slightly increase our mileage and then increase it again four weeks from the start of practice. During those last four weeks of summer training women should be running at least 55 miles a week and men running at least 65-75 miles a week. The higher the level of base fitness we achieve during the summer, the higher the competitive peak we can achieve at the end of the fall cross country season after we have added other training like tempo running and shorter and faster repeats.

Remember to stay hydrated when the weather is hot. Drink water before you run and lots of juice/sports drinks after you run.

Coach Van Arkel

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