Friday, July 27, 2007

XC Training: Weeks of July 29 & August 5

It's time to increase your mileage in early August if you have not done so in July. We will have a few days of easy running just prior to the start of practice, so you'll get a chance to recover from your summer aerobic mileage. If you are injured, now is the time to treat whatever is wrong and encourage recovery. Rest & ice & ibuprofen or naproxen works for most soreness.

Although we are still building our aerobic base and won't start speedwork until later in the season, running hills is an important part of early training. In addition to a set of hill repeats each week, try to do some of your running on hilly courses and push the pace uphill just a little. A tempo type workout where the last half of the run is slightly faster than the first half is helpful once each week and core strength work(crunches/pushups/curls/pullups/dips) should be done at least two times during the week.

Also, we will be running twice a day several days each week during the season. You may want to break up the Monday and Thursday workouts into two sessions, running in the morning and then coming back for a second session in the afternoon consisting of a lite warmup and strength work.

Sunday Long run of 11-14 miles(> 75 minutes)

Monday 7-9 miles w/ strength training

Tuesday 9-11 miles

Wednesday 8-10 miles(last 20 minutes slightly faster pace)

Thursday 7-9 miles w/ strength training

Friday 8-10 miles w/ hill repeats

Saturday 5-7 miles or swim/bike

Coach Van Arkel

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