Friday, June 8, 2007

XC Training: Week of June 10

XC Training for Week of June 10:

Sunday(6/10) Long run(> 70 minutes)

Monday 5-6 miles w/ strength training

Tuesday 8-10 miles

Wednesday 5-6 miles

Thursday 4-5 miles w/ strength training

Friday 6-8 miles

Saturday 4-6 miles or swim/bike

Mileage for this week should be about the same as last week. In addition to the weekly long run, twice weekly strength workouts should include, at a minimum, 3 sets of crunches and pushups, plus any other core strength exercises you might wish to do. Weight training, if done at all, should consist of light weights. All training runs can be fairly easy(at conversational pace).

Next week we will add a few miles and hills and two more specific strength exercises.

Coach Van Arkel

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