Thursday, July 27, 2006

XC Training for Week 9(7/30)

For the upcoming week I would like us to increase our mileage by an average of just one mile per day(an extra 7-8 minutes or so). For example, if you ran 56 miles this past week(8 miles/day) then run 63 miles(9 miles/day). If you ran 65 miles, then try for 72 miles. I would like for this mileage(other than our Sunday long runs) to be run evenly and consistently and, as much as possible, in singles(one run/day) from day to day without necessarily doing any specific workouts. Pace can remain relaxed as we are going for volume. Some of those runs should be on hilly courses and please still do core strength work(crunches and pushups) three times during the week.

Next week I'll ask you to do hill repeats and a faster run.

Coach Van Arkel

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