Sunday, December 16, 2012

Track Training: Week of Dec. 16

Drury Track Training:

Everyone should be running at least six days/week, with mileage close to 60 miles/week. We're adding a tempo paced run and hill repeats once each week and core strength work twice each week. Starting in January mileage will increase to about 70 miles/week for 5K/10K runners.

Sunday(12/16) OYO 11-13 miles

Monday(12/17) OYO 8-10 miles w/ strength training
     (2 sets crunches/planks/pushups)

Tuesday(12/18) OYO 8-10 miles w/ 20:00 tempo
     (out 30:00, then back 3:00-4:00 faster)

Wednesday(12/19) OYO 8-10 miles w/ strength training
     (2 sets crunches/planks/pushups)

Thursday(12/20) OYO 8-10 miles w/ hill repeats
     (8 X 150m @ 3K pace)

Friday(12/21) OYO 8-10 miles

Saturday(12/22) Off

Sunday(12/23) OYO 11-13 miles

Coach Van Arkel

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